COVID-19 Response

General Information to Know

The primary symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, self-isolate immediately and call (407) 530-4370  to speak with one of our staff members and await instructions on how to proceed with your care.

To help us maintain the flow of the office, with as few staff members on-site as possible, the following steps should be taken, until further notice:

  • Use the Portal. Please try to use your portal account to communicate with us as much as possible to keep our phone lines free for emergent calls and things that need to be discussed as person-to-person.
    • Things like refill requests, questions about lab orders, and many other issues can be handled through the portal and are the fastest and easiest way for us to respond to your needs.
    • If you do not have a portal account set up, simple instructions on how to do that will be provided elsewhere on this site.
  • Take Advantage of Telehealth Options. All non-urgent or routine office visits will need to be rescheduled, however for most visits, we now have the ability to do them as telehealth (video conference) appointments, so you can still remain in close contact with your providers.
    • We will walk you through the process of getting set up for these appointments. Telehealth appointments are something that can be done via our portal for anyone who has a smartphone, or with an email address if you have access to a computer with camera access.
  • Call if You’re Sick. If you are feeling sick, and feel like you need an appointment right away, please call our office at 407-647-3960 to discuss your symptoms with one of our office staff members. We will discuss the next steps.
    • Please do not show up at the office unannounced, or without an appointment.
    • Don’t Stockpile Medications. Pharmacies will remain open, and there is no shortage of medication. Please do not panic or try to stockpile medication.
      • We will make sure you maintain your regular supply of needed medications (which are meds that our office has filled for you in the past or if a plan to initiate has already been discussed with your provider).
      • Things like antibiotics and other medications for sick visits will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
    • Provide Detailed Information. If you are calling into the office and end up leaving us a voicemail, please be sure to leave detailed information, not only including your name and date of birth but also the reason that you are calling.
      • We do our best to return all calls ASAP, but If you do not leave specific information, those calls may drop down lower on the call return list because we need to prioritize by the imminence of each situation.
      • If you think that your question can be answered in a portal message, we want to remind you again that portal messages are definitely the fastest and most efficient means of communication for us to help patients because everything we need is already in writing, and we do not have to listen to the message several times to understand the nature of the request (while also trying to write down the information at the same time).
      • We hope writing it in those terms helps you understand why the web portal is the preferred method of communication for us.
      • We will follow up with a call if we need more information from you.
    • Practice Social Distancing. Social distancing is currently the most important factor we can control in the COVID-19 outbreak, and therefore critical
      • Being in close proximity and being together in groups will increase the likelihood of spread.
      • It’s important to increase the physical distance between people in schools and workplaces, at community events and at other places people gather.

    IHS is following CDC guidelines in regards to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and is taking precautions to prevent its spread. Our goal remains, as always, to provide you the best possible treatment for your healthcare needs. However, the safety of our employees and patients is our utmost concern.

During a COVID-19 pandemic, patients should be careful to practice good hygiene:

  • Minimize contact with those who are sick
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe
  • If you suspect you may have COVID-19, call ahead before visiting your doctor

Your Ihs Health family will be here for you, as always, but now more than ever, during this global pandemic. Following the guidelines we’ve recommended will help us to keep you safe as well as allow our office to remain open to serve you throughout this crisis.

As things are changing very quickly, please stay informed with the recommendations of the CDC on the website

All of you will be in our thoughts as we work together to get through this international emergency. We are thankful for each and every one of you! Be well and be safe!